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STOP STRESS night herbal balm

STOP STRESS night herbal balm

The unique hypoallergenic formula of the STOP STRESS night herbal balm helps to get rid of the habit of biting nails. Prevents burrs on the fingers.

Motherwort and water piper soothes and reduces discomfort in damaged nails.

Wormwood and meadowsweet have strong bactericidal and anthelmintic characteristic.

Yarrow and propolis remove inflammation, enhance regeneration processes.

Plantain and budra heal cracks in the skin, strengthen local immunity.


Individual intolerance to ingredients


Apply the balm in a thick layer to the nails, rub in with massage.

Recommended to use it in combination with STOP STRESS day phytogel.


Beeswax, goose oil, extracts of wild plants: motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca), wormwood (Artemísia absínthium), meadowsweet (Filipéndula ulmária), yarrow (Achilléa millefólium), plantain (Plantágo májor), water piper (Persicária hydropíper), budra (Glechóma hederácea), fir (Ábies sibírica) and orange oils (Cītrus × sinēnsis), propolis, Ekdys.


10/35 ml